Interior Movement and Room Entry Tactics Course,October 14/ 2023
Saturday, Oct 14, 2023
10:00am – 5:00pm
This is a live fire shoot house training event conducted in our new ballistic house!
Instructor: TIM BULOT
This class is open to previous pistol/rifle (or pistol only) students of Strategic Weapons Academy. It is directed toward individuals or groups desiring to learn tactical movement and house clearing techniques, concerned about active aggressive situations at work, home, church or any indoor environment. You will be trained in our 360-degree ballistic shoot house under the guidance of Tim Bulot, a Senior Close Combat Instructor, Trainer and Adviser to the Elite Colombian Hostage Rescue Units and current SWAT Team Leader.
We will be working primarily in 2 person teams. Bring a partner to take full advantage of this training opportunity. Morning session will cover range drills with pistol and rifle, unique to interior movement, 2 person drills and tactical communication. Afternoon session we transition to the shoothouse! You have the option, pistol rifle or pistol only, your call!
What will I learn?
- Close combat range drills
- Tactical Communications
- How to negotiate doors
- How to negotiate corners and barricades
- How to properly clear a room
- How to clear a multi room hallway
- Movement, one and two persons
- Covert and Dynamic Methods
- How to move and shoot inside of a structure
- and Much More….
What do I need to Bring:
- Pistol and 150 Rds (Option 300 rds and train pistol only)
- Rifle and 150 Rds
- Tactical Gear, Holster, Belt, Vest or Plate Carrier
- Range Gear
- Extra Magazines
- Eye and Ear Protection
- Food/Water/Sunscreen/Bug Spray for long range day
Cost : $185.oo
Limited seats! 10 am to 5 pm, See you there at 9:45 am
Event Category
Event Location
Strategic Weapons Academy of Texas HQ
1045 Cutoff Rd
Ennis, Texas, 75119
Event Fees
Total Seats
Remaining Seats